Java Image Gallery System

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  Jigs Project Authors



Jigs Project Authors

Jigs and JigSpace are currently being headed by Brent Bryan, with a great deal of help from H. Brendan McMahan. Jigs is an extension of the Structured Web Image Gallery System, which was also written by Brent Bryan and H. Brendan McMahan. Brent is primarily responsible for JigSpace, the Jigs Template Language (JTL) and its associated renderer, the EXIF reader, and this webpage. Brendan has been working on the RenderEngine and his "Old Swigs Renderer".

Jigs currently contains code produced by the Apache Jakarta Project, including Log4j, an error/debug message handling system, and ORO, a set of utilites to manipulate string with a perl-like syntax (among others).

Web hosting and CVS capabilities are provided by through the Open Source Development Network.

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